California Department of Public Health
California Department of Public Health
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In 2025–26, TK is available to all children who will have their fourth birthday by September 1 of the school year.
Additional information available at Universal Prekindergarten FAQs - Elementary (CA Dept of Education).
Should students who are 4 years old receive their Kindergarten booster vaccines?
Yes. Under California’s kindergarten immunization requirements, even four-year-old children need their kindergarten immunizations prior to the first day of transitional kindergarten where they could potentially be exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases. The federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, American Academy of Pediatrics, and American Academy Family Physicians recommend kindergarten immunizations starting as young as four years of age. (See CDC's Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for more details.)
Are students in transitional kindergarten subject to the Kindergarten immunization requirements?
Yes. They are required to have documentation of required immunizations or a valid exemption prior to admission to transitional kindergarten.
For students who are 3 years old at the time of admission to TK (Education Code section 48000[c]), schools are recommended to initially apply the pre-kindergarten immunization requirements (PDF) and to follow up with these students once they turn 4 years old to apply the TK/K immunization requirements.
Get a digital copy of your vaccine record
For admissions on or after January 1, 2021, what is required for a medical exemption to a required immunization?
As of January 1, 2021:
Are medical exemptions filed for children in attendance at a California child care facility or school before 2021 valid in later years?
A medical exemption filed at a pre-kindergarten facility or school remains valid until the earliest of:
A doctor has told a child’s parents that their child needs a medical exemption from a required immunization. How do parents get a medical exemption for their child?
Starting January 1, 2021, all new medical exemptions for school and child care entry must be issued through CAIR-ME. Parents can create an account and log in to CAIR-ME to submit a request for a medical exemption. Next, the child’s doctor can complete the medical exemption in CAIR-ME and print a copy for the parents to give to the child’s school or child care facility.