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Orcutt Union School District

Where excellence shines and community thrives

English Learner Program

English Learner Program

The goal of the district English Language Development (ELD) program is for English Language Learners (ELLs) to achieve fluency in English while succeeding academically. The program delivers specialized integrated and designated ELD instruction to students based on their level of English proficiency on the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).  The goal of Integrated ELD is for English Learners to learn the content and academic language used in each lesson.  Designated ELD is a protected time during the regular school day when teachers provide lessons for English Learners to develop English language proficiency. 

Community Liaisons are the district’s human bridge between its schools and the English Learners and their families.  The district liaisons assist parents with school-home communication, outreach services, and with special issues that impact students. As needed, the community liaisons serve as interpreters for parent-teacher conferences and other school events.

Advisory Committees
The Orcutt Union School District will ensure that the parents and families of English learners are actively and meaningfully involved in the education of their children. The district and schools will communicate effectively with the parents and families of English Learners in ways that are ongoing, meaningful, and comprehensible and will ensure that the parents and families of English Learners are full partners in the decisions that affect their children. 

Whenever 21 or more English Learners are enrolled at a school, regardless of language, the site is required to establish a functioning English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The ELAC shall be responsible for advising the principal and staff on programs and services for English Learners and the School Site Council on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).

A District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC) is formed by representatives from site English Learner Advisory Committees (ELACs), staff, and district and/or site administrators. The purpose and function of the DELAC is to advise the district’s governing board regarding the formulation, implementation, and monitoring of the English Learner instructional program.

Program Goals
Orcutt Union School District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) includes the following expected annual measurable outcomes for English Learners:

  1. 2% of English Learners will be redesignated each year
  2. 75% of English Learners will make progress toward English proficiency as reported on the California Dashboard
  3. 100% of students will receive access to Core instruction and English Language Development (ELD) 

Categorical Programs that support English language learners include:

Title III
Federal funds from this program provide supplemental funding to support English Language Development in the regular classroom setting or Integrated English Language Development. Any expenditures under this program must be above and beyond the regular English Language Development Core Instructional Program. This can include Professional Development and support for regular education teachers.

Meeting Dates, Agendas and Minutes



Leticia Velasco
Bilingual Secretary
(805) 938-8937


Cher Manich
ELD Program Coordinator
(805) 938-8152