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Orcutt Union School District

Where excellence shines and community thrives

Workplace Safety

Workplace Safety

Orcutt Union School District is committed to promoting a culture of safety and violence prevention in our workplace and these policies and procedures will help us achieve that goal.


OUSD Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP)
Addresses the hazards known to be associated with the four types of workplace violence as defined by Labor Code (LC) section 6401.9
Violence Prevention Plan


OUSD Workplace Violence Reporting Form

In compliance with the OUSD Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP), employees may report incidents of workplace violence to their supervisor or to the district's WVPP administrator, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Susan Salucci at 805-938-8909 or via email. A reportable violent incident is defined as any threatening remark or overt act of physical violence against a person(s) or property whether reported or observed. Employees have the option of reporting incidents through this form. Reports may be made by name or anonymously. 

Reporting Form


Anthem Employee Assistance Program

All employees of the Orcutt Union School District may access free, confidential resources for help with emotional, marital, financial, addiction, legal, or stress issues via the Anthem Employee Assistance Program. Call 800-999-7222 or visit the website.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)