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Orcutt Union School District

Where excellence shines and community thrives

Child Care

Campus Connection Child Care

Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELO-Program)

Little Girl Smiling While Sitting At Lunch TableOrcutt Union School District provides a child care program that could meet your needs!

The child care program for the 2024-2025 school year is full.

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in Spring – date to be determined. Further information will be communicated here as well as ParentSquare.*

All students must reregister each year. This includes students currently attending and those on the waiting list.

* Foster youth, students experiencing homelessness, English language learners, and students qualifying for free/reduced price lunch services are given priority enrollment.

  • Important registration information:

    It is best to enroll as soon as possible. Due to high enrollment, time slots may not be available.

    All new students as well as currently enrolled students will need to register yearly for the Campus Connection Program.

    Child Care is available at $4.50 per hour for one child and $4.00 per hour for siblings, along with an annual registration fee.



    • During the school year, care is available before school and then from dismissal time until 6:00 pm at each of our elementary locations
    • Students attend child care at their school site
    • Meals, activities, and homework time are incorporated in a family-like, nurturing environment


    For more information, please call (805) 938-8950 or email

    Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-Program)

    Expanded learning means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences.

    Orcutt Union School District is pleased to announce opportunities for no cost child care and expanded learning for TK-6th grade students! New state funding (ELO-Program) will allow families that qualify to participate in the Campus Connection Program at no cost. This funding will also allow OUSD to enhance the experience for ALL students enrolled in the child care program.

    The program is provided by our Campus Connection Staff and will be offered at all OUSD elementary school sites. A healthy meal(s), education, literacy, physical activities, and enrichment elements are all part of the program.

    The primary goal of the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program in OUSD is academic support, enrichment, and connections for students beyond the regular school day.

    ELOP-Program Plan

    We are asking all families to fill out the Free & Reduced Meal Application. By doing this, it benefits the district in multiple ways and your family could qualify for lower utilities, internet fees, and other benefits including the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-Program). To see if you quality, please click the appropriate link below and fill out the application.

    Educational Benefits Eligibility Form ( English / Spanish )

  • The child care program for the 2024-2025 school year is full.

    Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens in Spring – date to be determined. Further information will be communicated here as well as ParentSquare.*

    All students must reregister each year. This includes students currently attending and those on the waiting list.

    * Foster youth, students experiencing homelessness, English language learners, and students qualifying for free/reduced price lunch services are given priority enrollment.

    Handbook and Contract

    Before enrolling your child in Campus Connection, we ask that you first read our Parent Handbook and Parent Contract to learn more about our program. You will find information about scheduling and billing protocols, as well as our rules and policies and other important information.


    Registration for the 2024-2025 school year

    (Campus Connection utilizes the MyProCare platform for child care account management)

    Do you already have a Campus Connection MyProCare account?

    For families returning to Campus Connection, please click the MyProCare image below to re-register your child. You will need to use the same email address you used previously for Campus Connection.

    Mpc Logo

    Please note

    • The confirmation email you will receive from the MyProCare system is NOT confirmation of acceptance.
    • Siblings: due to a known glitch in the MyProCare system, siblings cannot be added to your existing account. Please call Campus Connection at (805) 938-8950 to add additional students.

    Are you new to MyProCare?

    Click the link that corresponds with the school your child ATTENDS to begin registration*.


    * In MyProCare, OAK-8 students register and attend Campus Connection at Patterson school.

    Please note

    • Please note that only one email address can be used. Attempting to sign up using different email addresses will cause delays in registration.


    If you have any questions, please contact Campus Connection at (805) 938-8950 or