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Orcutt Union School District

Where excellence shines and community thrives

Measure G Bond Program

Measure G Bond Program

Bond Projects

  • School Profile:
    Alice Shaw Elementary School is located in the northern region of Santa Barbara County on the California Central Coast and serves students in grades kindergarten through six following a traditional calendar. The school is located in a predominantly single-family home neighborhood with limited busing. There are nearly 560 students enrolled in 21 classrooms. We also have a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) that focuses on the intervention programs. From 2006 to present (2019), demographic characteristics have changed with a notable increase in the Socio-economically Disadvantaged and English Learner populations. Socio-economically disadvantaged students have increased from 27 to 55 percent over the past ten years. The English Learner (EL) population has increased from 10.4 to over 15 percent over the same time period.

    Shaw parents are encouraged to get involved in their child’s learning environment either by volunteering in the classroom, participating in a decision-making group, or simply attending school events. Parents stay informed on upcoming events and school activities through email, the school marquee, Parent Square and the school website. Parents are also invited to attend the academic activities of parent education nights, Parent Teacher Conferences, Back to School Night and Open House.

    Mission Statement:
    To ensure that all students learn by creating a community that focuses on student learning, by working collaboratively and maintaining high expectations.

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project was completed in August 2019. The project included fencing projects, entrance security gates, front office and staff lounge modernization to ensure safety and security for students and staff.
    • Flexible Furniture was installed in all classrooms which consisted of student desks/chairs, storage units.
    • Full Day Kindergarten Project includes installation of one new modular classroom and other classroom design needs. This project is in alignment with the Districts Facility Master Plan and “Whole Child Approach” of the Strategic Plan.
  • School Profile:
    Joe Nightingale School is an elementary school in the Orcutt Union School District. Our school is located in the northern region of Santa Maria and serves students in grades transitional kindergarten through six following a traditional calendar. There are 752 students enrolled, including 15% in special education, 12% qualifying for English Language Learner support, and 40% identified as low SES.

    Mission Statement:
    Our mission statement, as approved by our School Site Council is as follows: Joe Nightingale exists to better the lives and futures of all students, staff, families, and community through proven quality instruction, positive relationships, and engaging experiences.

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project  is due to be completed in August 2020. The project included fencing projects, entrance security gates to ensure safety and security for students and staff, and a new bus turnout on Dixon St. The second phase will include a new location for the front office and staff lounge modernization. There will also be additional classrooms and modernization work.
    • Flexible Furniture was installed in all classrooms which consisted of student desks/chairs, and storage units.
    • Full Day Kindergarten Project includes installation of seven new modular classrooms,renovation and playground design needs. This project is in alignment with the Districts Facility Master Plan and “Whole Child Approach” of the Strategic Plan.
  • School Profile:
    Patterson Road Elementary School is located in the northern region of Santa Barbara County and serves students in grades kindergarten through six following a traditional calendar. For the 2019-2020 school year, 648 students are enrolled, including 14% in special education, 11% classified as English Language Learners, and 39% qualifying for free or reduced price lunch.

    Mission Statement:
    To serve the unique academic, physical, social, and emotional needs of students in order to provide each student with the highest quality education, inspire a passion for learning, and make meaningful connections that propel children to become lifelong learners.

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project  was completed in March 2019. The project included fencing projects, entrance security gates to ensure safety and security for students and staff, a bus turnout on Patterson Rd., and the modernization of the front office.
    • Flexible Furniture was installed in all classrooms that consisted of student desks/chairs, storage units.
    • Full Day Kindergarten Project includes installation of two new modular classrooms, renovation and other classroom design needs. This project is in alignment with the Districts Facility Master Plan and “Whole Child Approach” of the Strategic Plan.
  • School Profile:
    Pine Grove Elementary School is located in the northern region of Santa Barbara County and serves students in grades kindergarten through six following a traditional calendar. At the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, 539 students were enrolled, including 12.6% in special education, 6.5% qualifying for English Language Learner support, and 31.9% qualifying for free or reduced price lunch. Pine Grove has 19 classrooms, a combination of 27.5 certificated full and hourly teachers and 9 classified support staff members. Our PTA is very active in recruiting and involving parents in a variety of family oriented programs that encourages parent volunteering and builds stronger connections to our school.

    Mission Statement:
    At Pine Grove School, we believe that all students can learn at high levels. We set high standards for student achievement and expect all students to achieve at their maximum potential. Our staff is committed to the development of problem solvers and creative thinkers and believe that educating children for success as contributing members of society is a priority.

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project  is due to be completed in August 2020. The project included fencing projects, entrance security gates to ensure safety and security for students and staff, and a renovated bus turnout. The project also included a new parking lot on the south end of the school, to enable more parking and pick up and drop off for students.
    • Flexible Furniture was installed in all classrooms which consisted of student desks/chairs, storage units.
    • Full Day Kindergarten Project includes installation of on new modular classroom and other classroom design needs. This project is in alignment with the Districts Facility Master Plan and “Whole Child Approach” of the Strategic Plan.
  • School Profile:
    Ralph Dunlap Elementary School, located in the Orcutt Union School District, is in the southern region of the Santa Maria Valley and serves students in grades kindergarten through six following a traditional calendar. For the 2018-2019 school year, 575 students are enrolled, which includes 10.7% in Special Education, 6.6% qualifying for English Language Learner support, and 38% qualifying for free or reduced price lunch. There are two Structured Day Classes serving nine students; one 1st grader, three 2nd graders, one 4th grader, one 5th grader, and three 6th graders this year.

    Mission Statement:
    Ralph Dunlap Elementary School’s mission is to have a learning community where students, staff and parents work in partnership to ensure a superior academic educational experience for students. All students will achieve their personal best in this collaborative environment that is equipped with the educational technology and resources to create life-long learners able to excel in a world of constantly changing technology, culture and social values.

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project  was completed in March 2019. The project included fencing projects, entrance security gates, renovated bus turnout, and front office modernization to ensure safety and security for students and staff.
    • Flexible Furniture was installed in all classrooms which consisted of student desks/chairs, storage units.
    • Full Day Kindergarten Project includes installation of one new modular classroom and other classroom design needs. This project is in alignment with the Districts Facility Master Plan and “Whole Child Approach” of the Strategic Plan
  • School Profile:
    Olga L. Reed School is a rural, TK-8 school with 205 students as of this writing. The school is a centerpiece of the small community of Los Alamos.  Most parents work on the farms, ranches, and vineyards of Los Alamos, the nearby Santa Ynez Valley, and the Santa Maria Valley. The school plays a prominent role in community events such as the annual Old Days Celebration in late September and community initiatives such as the establishment of a community library on campus.  The Los Alamos Community Library occupies a corner of the school site and is open to school families and the community four weekday afternoons and all day on Saturday.

    From its inception until July 2011, Olga Reed was the lone school in the Los Alamos School District. In July 2011, the school and district were assimilated into the larger Orcutt Union School District. The 2019-2020 school year is Olga Reed’s ninth with Orcutt. Due to the need to tighten expenditures districtwide, Olga Reed (like several other district schools) raised class sizes in the upper grades this school year and is staffed with one fewer classroom teaching position.

    For Olga Reed, this school year marks the sixth year of sharing a campus with the Orcutt Academy’s TK-8 program. OA has 136 students in grades TK-8, and it occupies six rooms on the Helena Street side of the Los Alamos campus. OA has a separate program and a separate daily schedule, but it shares a lunchtime and programs such as physical education and classroom music with Olga Reed. In addition, the two schools’ separate Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) units collaborate on school events such as a Harvest Festival in October, a Family Movie Night, and a Staff Appreciation Luncheon. This year, in association with the districtwide need to reduce expenses, Olga Reed and OAK-8 are sharing an office, with an office manager and an office assistant serving both schools.

    Mission Statement:
    To provide every student a high-quality learning environment and the tools needed to be a lifelong learner and a responsible citizen.

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project  was completed in May 2019. The project included fencing projects, entrance security gates, and front office modernization to ensure safety and security for students and staff.
    • Flexible Furniture was installed in all classrooms which consisted of student desks/chairs, storage units.
    • Classroom Modernization  the next phase of construction for Los Alamos campus is to update and modernize classrooms. This project is in the preliminary planning stages and is estimated to begin construction in the summer of 2021. The renovation and needs are in alignment with the Districts Facility Master Plan and “Whole Child Approach” of the Strategic Plan.
  • School Profile:
    Orcutt Academy K-8 School is a rural, TK-8 school with 136 students as of this writing. The school is a centerpiece of the small community of Los Alamos.  Most parents work on the farms, ranches, and vineyards of Los Alamos, the nearby Santa Ynez Valley, and the Santa Maria Valley. The school plays a prominent role in community events such as the annual Old Days Celebration in late September and community initiatives such as the establishment of a community library on campus.  The Los Alamos Community Library occupies a corner of the school site and is open to school families and the community four weekday afternoons and all day on Saturday.

    2019-2020 school year marks the sixth year of sharing a campus with Olga Reed Elementary. OA has 136 students in grades TK-8, and it occupies six rooms on the Helena Street side of the Los Alamos campus. OA has a separate program and a separate daily schedule, but it shares a lunchtime and programs such as physical education and classroom music with Olga Reed. In addition, the two schools’ separate Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) units collaborate on school events such as a Harvest Festival in October, a Family Movie Night, and a Staff Appreciation Luncheon. This year, in association with the districtwide need to reduce expenses, Olga Reed and OAK-8 are sharing an office, with an office manager and an office assistant serving both schools.

    Mission Statement:
    To provide every student a high-quality learning environment and the tools needed to be a lifelong learner and a responsible citizen.

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project  was completed in May 2019. The project included fencing projects, entrance security gates, and front office modernization to ensure safety and security for students and staff.
    • Flexible Furniture was installed in all classrooms which consisted of student desks/chairs, and storage units.
    • Classroom Modernization  is the next phase of the Measure G Bond construction to update and modernize classrooms. This project is in the preliminary stages and construction is estimated to begin in the summer of 2021. The renovation and needs are in alignment with the Districts Facility Master Plan and “Whole Child Approach” of the Strategic Plan
  • School Profile:
    Lakeview Junior High School is a seventh grade and eighth grade junior high school with 498 students. We presently have 274 eighth grade students and 224 seventh grade students. We have sixteen full time certificated teachers, five half time certificated teachers, and additionally two full time certificated and one part time certificated teachers working in our Special Education program. We also employ five hourly aides in the Special Education program, one certificated hourly teacher in the student support classes to provide ELD support, and thirty four hours a week with a librarian. We have twenty- three classrooms, a full library, a gymnasium, two changing rooms for students in Physical Education classes, and a multi-use room with a fully equipped stage for drama productions.

    Our students walk to school, or they are transported by parents or the district bus service.  We hold regular education classes throughout the day, and we also have a Resource program and an Inclusion classroom. We schedule students into four core classes each day, one Physical Education class, and one elective class.  Our elective classes are Keyboarding, 21st Century Technology Skills, Health, Art, Industrial Arts/STEAM, Culinary Arts, Gardening, Study Skills, Leadership/ASB, Band, Choir, and Yearbook. Lakeview has an active PTSA and a School Site Council. PTSA meets monthly. The School Site Council meets at least three times a year, with the option of additional meetings if necessary. Lakeview has an active English Learner Advisory Committee that meets at least four times a year to help parents clearly understand the educational process so that they can positively interact with the school and thus become advocates for the education of their children. Lakeview Junior High School has been a proud member of the Orcutt Union School District for over fifty years.

    Lakeview’s Mission/Vision is defined on four words:

    Dream, Believe, Act and Achieve

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project  will be completed in August 2020. The project includes fencing projects, entrance security gates,  and front office modernization to ensure safety and security for students and staff.
    • Science Classroom a new science classroom is on the horizon and plans are in the preliminary stages. The district hopes to start the project in the summer of 2021.
  • School Profile:
    Orcutt Junior High School is located in the northern region of Santa Maria and serves students in grades seven and eight following a traditional calendar. At the beginning of the 2018-19 school year, 578 students were enrolled, including 12% in special education, 8.7% qualifying for English Language Learner support, and 33.6% qualifying for free or reduced price lunch.

    The culture of Orcutt Junior High School reflects a commitment that all students can learn and encourages all students to be academically successful.  Our classes are heterogeneously grouped and raising the level of student achievement defines our most important effort. In each academic department, students know what the state mandated content standards are because they are posted in the classroom, listed in their textbooks or kept in their notebooks. Under- performing students are identified early in the school year and interventions like reading, or math support classes are established.  Students are also involved in an Extended Learning Opportunity intervention block that is designed to provide the extra help in ELA and math needed to guarantee academic success in high school and college. In other academic areas, our Local Control and Accountability (LCFF) funds have been used extensively to provide resource materials and conference opportunities for teachers to meet the needs of their students.

    Mission Statement:
    The vision and mission of Orcutt Junior High School is to ensure the educational success of all students by maintaining high expectations, a safe learning environment, a commitment to excellence, and comprehensive programs which empower children to reach their fullest potential as responsible and productive citizens in a continuously changing world.

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project  will be completed in August 2020. The project includes fencing projects, entrance security gates,  and front office modernization to ensure safety and security for students and staff.
    • Science Classroom a new science classroom is on the horizon and plans are in the preliminary process. The project is tentatively planned to get started in the summer of 2021.
  • School Profile:
    Located on three sites, the Orcutt Academy includes classroom-based learning (on two separate campuses) and an independent study program in a third location.  The school currently has 607 students enrolled at its high school, 136 at its TK-8 campus, and 50 in its K-8 independent study program, for a total of 793 students overall. Unlike other schools in the Orcutt Union School District, the Orcutt Academy must recruit every student. This has created a business model that puts customer satisfaction in the forefront, with the success and survival of the Orcutt Academy depending on positive reviews from students, parents, and the community.  The entire staff, TK-12, has embraced this concept, as demonstrated by the positive feedback on school climate surveys from all stakeholders and increasing interest in enrollment.

    Mission Statement:

    The mission of Orcutt Academy Charter High School is to provide our students with a rigorous academic program, extracurricular opportunities for all, and a tight-knit school culture where students are connected with our teachers and staff. The overarching goal is to equip each student with the ability to be college/career-ready upon graduation.

    Key principles govern this collaboration: personal relationships, respect, and understanding among all students, parents, and staff at Orcutt Academy.

    Measure G Campus Improvements:

    • School Site Safety Security Project  will be completed in August 2020. The project includes fencing projects, entrance security gates,  and front office modernization to ensure safety and security for students and staff.
    • Science Classroom a new science classroom is on the horizon and plans are in the preliminary stages. The project is tentatively planned to get started in the summer of 2021.