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Orcutt Union School District

Where excellence shines and community thrives

Planning for Future Enrollment

Planning for Future Generations of Orcutt Students

The Orcutt Union School District is growing, and action is needed to accommodate the additional students we expect.

As of November, the district had 4,106 students enrolled at our six elementary schools, our two junior high schools, and our K-8 independent study school. (Enrollment at the Orcutt Academy Charter is considered separately.)

Our numbers are projected to continue increasing – our most current demographic study has us adding 242 more students by the 2030-2031 school year.


Why are we growing? Transitional kindergarten is one reason, as the state’s age eligibility for enrollment has been widening each school year. We are seeing higher-density occupation of homes, as the number of families sharing one home has increased significantly. Additional housing projects within our district are coming online. And we have seen a number of students return to the district from private schools, home schooling, and other educational settings.

Continued growth is anticipated for the foreseeable future. Eligibility for transitional kindergarten will expand in 2025-2026 to include almost all four-year-olds. We also have several new housing projects planned for Orcutt for the near future that will bring additional families to our district.

We all can celebrate this trend after several years in which Orcutt’s enrollment has been declining. When school districts are losing enrollment, they need to cut programs and potentially lay off employees – not enjoyable duties by any means. Now we are faced with a different, more hopeful task: planning and acting so we can accommodate the additional students we expect.

Two toy wooden houses on grass, one large and one small, separated by a red line

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Our process of preparing for the future already has begun. This school year we restricted the number of non-resident students attending schools here on interdistrict agreements. We also have been working with a demographer on enrollment projections for the next five years. We have studied the capacity of each school site to analyze how we currently are utilizing available classrooms and space. And we have identified options for accommodating growth that could entail adjustments in school boundaries, relocating special classes or programs, and adding facilities.

At their October 9, 2024, board meeting, Orcutt’s trustees were invited to give input on objectives to guide the district’s planning for future enrollment. Our trustees’ top objectives were the following:

  • Maximize fiscal resources
  • Use space as efficiently as possible
  • Students have the opportunity to attend their neighborhood school
  • Keep neighborhoods together to the extent possible
  • Maximize efficiency for student transportation (bus stops, safe routes to school)
  • Plan for program expansion/growth in the future
  • Minimize disruption from boundary adjustments
  • Balance school sizes across the district to the extent possible
  • Keep consistent grade span configurations across the district
  • Control approval of interdistrict and intradistrict agreements

At their November 13, 2024, board meeting, Orcutt’s trustees were shown data indicating that Patterson Road and Pine Grove schools will be most affected by projected enrollment growth. Trustees were presented attendance boundary options for the coming 2025-2026 school year that will provide relief to these schools and better balance enrollment among elementary sites. The boundary options are shown in full here as well as questions that parents/guardians may ask about them.

In January 2025, the trustees are expected to make a decision on attendance boundary options for 2025-2026.

School Boundary Options

Pole with green arrow signs depicting

  • Attendance areas affected: Alice Shaw, Joe Nightingale

    Description: Move neighborhoods east of Santa Maria Way and west of Highway 101 from Alice Shaw School attendance area (Del Cielo Estates, Quail Meadows, Skyview Estates, Sunrise Hills, etc.) to Joe Nightingale School attendance area.

    Rationale: Most of this area is closer in proximity to Joe Nightingale School than to Alice Shaw School. Many families in this area historically have sought to have their children attend Joe Nightingale due to this proximity.

    A map showing the location of Santa Maria Public Airport and surrounding areas.

  • Attendance areas affected: Alice Shaw, Joe Nightingale, Patterson Road

    Description: Move neighborhoods south of Foster Road, north of Union Valley Parkway, east of Highway 135, and west of Bradley Road to Alice Shaw School attendance area. Move neighborhoods south of Foster Road, north of Union Valley Parkway, west of Highway 135, and east of California Blvd. to Joe Nightingale School attendance area. Area is currently part of Patterson Road School attendance area.

    Rationale: This move obviates the need for students to cross Union Valley Parkway. The neighborhoods south of Foster Road and east of Highway 135 are closer to Alice Shaw School than to Patterson Road School. The area west of Highway 135 and south of Foster Road currently does not have housing, but it makes sense to connect this section with the Village Mobile Home Park (4000 South Blosser Road) currently part of the Joe Nightingale School attendance area.

    A map showing two different colored areas, labeled 'Option 1' and 'Option 2', with a blue pin marking a location.

  • Attendance areas affected: Patterson Road, Pine Grove

    Description: Move area of Old Town Orcutt north of Clark Avenue from Patterson Road School attendance area to Pine Grove School attendance area. This area’s perimeter includes Broadway/California Boulevard on the west, North Avenue on the north, the undeveloped area east of Park Avenue on the east, and Clark Avenue on the south.

    Rationale: Old Town Orcutt is a single neighborhood. This option respects the integrity of Old Town Orcutt and allows all students from this neighborhood to attend school together at Pine Grove.

    A map with a highlighted area labeled 'Option C' and a blue pin marking Pine Grove Elementary School.

  • Attendance areas affected: Alice Shaw, Ralph Dunlap

    Description: Move neighborhood just south of St. Joseph High School from the Ralph Dunlap School attendance area to the Alice Shaw School attendance area. This area is north of Union Valley Parkway, east of Bradley Road, west of Highway 101, and south of Foster Road.

    Rationale: This obviates the need for students to cross Union Valley Parkway.

    A map highlighting a specific area labeled 'Option D' in a residential neighborhood.

  • Attendance areas affected: Pine Grove, Ralph Dunlap

    Description: Move neighborhoods (Oak Knoll-era housing near St. Louis de Montfort Church, Cimarron, Jensen’s Crossing, Cobblestone Creek, etc.) south of Clark Avenue, east of Bradley Road, west of Highway 101, and north of Chancellor Street and the undeveloped green space from the Pine Grove School attendance area to the Ralph Dunlap School attendance area.

    Rationale: These neighborhoods are physically closer to Ralph Dunlap School than to Pine Grove School. Many families in this area historically have sought to have their children attend Ralph Dunlap due to this proximity.

    A map highlighting a specific area labeled 'Option E' in a neighborhood with streets and landmarks.

  • Attendance areas affected: Olga Reed, Pine Grove

    Description: Move area south of Orcutt Hill Road and west of Batchelder Road from Pine Grove School attendance area to Olga Reed School attendance area.

    Rationale: This vast rural area in the vicinity of Highway 135 is much closer to Olga Reed School in Los Alamos than to Pine Grove School. It does not make sense for Pine Grove boundaries to be stretched so close to Los Alamos, where we already have a school.

    A map showing two areas, one labeled 'Option F' in yellow and the other in blue.

  • Attendance areas affected: Alice Shaw, Patterson Road

    Description: Move area south of Union Valley Parkway, north and east of Woodmere Road, and west of Bradley Road from Patterson Road School attendance area to Alice Shaw School attendance area.

    Rationale: These neighborhoods are self-contained and can be re-assigned to Alice Shaw School to provide relief to Patterson Road School. Students from these neighborhoods can be bused across Union Valley Parkway to Alice Shaw School.

    A map highlighting a neighborhood area labeled 'Option G' in a city.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • School districts periodically need to redraw boundaries in order to ensure they have enough facilities to accommodate projected enrollment. New subdivisions and apartment complexes are not constructed evenly throughout the district, and some school sites are more impacted than others. Attendance areas sometimes need to be changed in order to avoid overcrowded conditions at any one school and balance enrollment across the district.

    In Orcutt's case, our district underwent periodic school boundary changes before a pattern of declining enrollment obviated the need to do this. Now that the district's student enrollment has increased and is projected to continue to grow, we need to plan and take action.

  • All boundary scenarios described here would take effect in the 2025-2026 school year.

  • The district may indeed add more classrooms at certain sites, but only when they are absolutely necessary. It can cost over $1 million each to build a new classroom. Additionally, the district has some school sites with empty classrooms that can be used to house students. The district wants to be a good custodian of taxpayer dollars by minimizing how many additional classrooms are needed.

  • Parents interested in having their children remain at their current school should complete and submit an intradistrict agreement request form. The open enrollment period for intradistrict transfer requests is from March 1 through April 15. Placements are made based on space availability at the requested school. The outcome will be communicated in the week prior to the start of the 2025-2026 school year on August 11, 2025.

    Please know that the district will be sympathetic to children in an impacted neighborhood who are longstanding students at their current school (i.e., entering sixth grade in 2025-2026). The district will do all it can to avoid disruption in this situation.

  • Students new to the district will be expected to be enrolled in their school of residence. That said, all parents have the ability to submit an intradistrict agreement request to have their child attend a school of their choice.

  • Our Transportation Department develops new routes and bus stops for each school year. Bus routes will be redesigned to reflect boundary changes. Additionally, schools will send out to families information on safe routes to school for students who walk or ride a bicycle.

  • Our district has experience in supporting students affected by boundary changes. We expect to plan principal tours and welcoming activities for new students and families, and we will work with our schools and PTAs to invite new families to school events scheduled this spring. All of our schools are great places for students, and we want to ensure that the transition is positive for all involved.

  • As of now, we expect to have the following feeder pattern for our junior high schools:

    • Lakeview Junior High School: Alice Shaw School, Joe Nightingale School, and a portion of Patterson Road School
    • Orcutt Junior High School: A portion of Patterson Road School, Pine Grove School, and Ralph Dunlap School
  • Interdistrict enrollment agreements in which out-of-district residents attend Orcutt schools typically run for five years or until the student needs to change schools (as when students move from elementary school to junior high school). Students already enrolled on an existing interdistrict enrollment agreement may be moved to a site where space is available.

    Please note that the district is no longer accepting new interdistrict agreements.

  • No, at this time, the district is not considering changing the grade-level configurations of its elementary, TK-8, and junior high schools.

  • Staff members will need to apply for an intradistrict agreement for their child to remain at their current school. The district will try to accommodate children of staff but cannot issue any guarantees.

  • We are making attendance boundary changes based on our latest enrollment projections. That said, we cannot predict future housing growth that occurs in our school district and thus cannot say no changes will be needed in the next few years. And please note that in years past, our district regularly made boundary adjustments to align with patterns of expected enrollment growth.

  • For students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), our Special Education department would be involved in evaluating options for your child to ensure any specialized services currently received would be continued in the event of a boundary change that moves the child to a new school.

  • Orcutt Academy High School indeed is growing. But because it is a charter school and a school of choice, the district has the ability to control how many students are enrolled there. The district will not allow enrollment at OAHS to exceed the capacity of its facilities.

Intradistrict Transfers (FAQs)

  • Parents interested in having their children remain at their current school should complete and submit an intradistrict agreement request form. The open enrollment period for intradistrict transfer requests is from March 1 through April 15. Placements are made based on space availability at the requested school. The outcome will be communicated no later than June 1, 2025.

  • Campus Connection will allow parents/guardians to request childcare at two schools when applications for 2025-2026 are available later this spring. Applicants will be able to specify which school for which they are seeking an intradistrict transfer. Parents/guardians are requested to notify Campus Connection at 805-938-8950 if/when an intradistrict transfer has been granted.

  • The district has tiered priorities for consideration of intradistrict transfer applications submitted during the district's open enrollment period (March 1 through April 15). In order, they are as follows:

    1. Student is currently attending the school due to a previously approved transfer or having resided in the attendance area immediately prior to this request.
    2. Student’s parent is a permanent employee of Orcutt Union School District.
    3. Student has a sibling attending the school during the same academic year.
    4. Student has a need for childcare within the attendance area of the requested school and the care is verified by the childcare provider.
    5. All other Orcutt Union School District students requesting transfers.

    If at any point in the process the number of intradistrict transfer applications exceeds the number of available seats in a given grade level at a given school, then the district will hold a random lottery to determine which applicants receive open seats. 

  • Intradistrict applications can be submitted for incoming transitional kindergarten or kindergarten students. Please know that these students would be fifth in the list of priorities shown above for the granting of intradistrict transfers unless the student has a sibling at the school in which case they would be third.





Intradistrict Transfer Information

Parents interested in having their children remain at their current school should note the following condtions as it relates to intradistrict transfers:

  • District transportation will not be provided.
  • Approval will be granted on the basis of space availability after families who live in the attendance area are placed.
  • Approval may be revoked at any time if the student fails to comply with school attendance, student performance, and discipline policies.
  • If there are more students desiring a transfer than space allows, a lottery will be held. After all school resident students are enrolled, the order for placement is:
    • Student is currently attending the school due to a previously approved transfer or having resided in the attendance area immediately prior to this request.
    • Student’s parent is a permanent employee of Orcutt Union School District.
    • Student has a sibling attending the school during the same academic year.
    • Student has a need for childcare within the attendance area of the requested school and the care is verified by the childcare provider.
    • All other Orcutt Union School District students requesting transfers.


Completed intradistrict transfer forms are to be turned in to the district Enrollment office located at 500 Dyer Street, Building T.