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Orcutt Union School District

Where excellence shines and community thrives

Child Nutrition Services

Child Nutrition Services

Meal Information

Orcutt Union School District is a Provision 2 food provider for the 2024-2025 school year.

This means students may receive daily one breakfast and one lunch free at no cost to the student. 

Additional meals may be purchased with their students’ meal account and must have funds in their account. 

View All Our Menus Here


Catering Information

Gooey slice of pizza with the words

We are pleased to offer a healthy pizza menu option for classroom celebrations.  This is an excellent opportunity to recognize special occasions and achievements by conveniently ordering from our online Google form.

Please note the following important information:

  • Orders must be made by an OUSD employee.
  • For individual classroom celebrations, we require 10 days’ notice.

Pizza party includes a complete meal for each student and adults.

Ready to order?  Please click on the linked Google form.

Order here for pizza party!

Meal Applications

Since the District is now serving meals as a Provision 2 provider, families do not need to fill out the “Meal Application”. However, the District is asking families to fill out the Educational Benefits Eligibility Form in order for the district to receive additional funding for student programs.

Online version of the form:

Family Income Survey


Drop off a paper copy of the Educational Benefits Eligibility Form at the District office located at 500 Dyer St.

English VersionSpanish Version





Additional Meal Prices

Students may purchase additional meals using their student meal account provided enough funds are loaded into their account.

Student Breakfast $3.50
Student Lunch $5.25
Adult Breakfast $4.00
Adult Lunch $5.25
Water $0.75


Meal Deposits

Account deposits for additional meals can be made in the following ways:

A screenshot of a login page for a website called "My MealTime".

MyMealTime Online Deposit


Write a check made out to Orcutt Union School District

Mail to OUSD, ATTN: Child Nutrition Dept, 500 Dyer St, Orcutt CA 93455

Bring to the Child Nutrition Office, behind the Technology Department. 

Nutrition Education

Additional Resources



Christy Wineman
Director of Child Nutrition
(805) 938-8925

Dmitriy Tsoy
Registered Dietician / Nutrition Coordinator
(805) 938-8983


Marianne Heuchert
Office Manager
(805) 938-8926

Cynthia Melendez
Assistant Office Manager 
(805) 938-8924