Schools rely on the cooperation of parents/guardians to safely and effectively administer medication to their students at school.
Parents/guardians are responsible for:
Parents/guardians must complete the authorization to administer medication form for each medication. The form must be signed by the health care provider and parent/guardian. Medication cannot be given without the completed form.
Parents/guardians must bring all medications to the school office for the student. Students can’t bring medication to school. Medication can’t be transported on school district buses.
All medication must be in the original prescription bottle, container or package.
If half doses have been prescribed, the parent/guardian must break medication tablets in half before bringing them to the school.
Over- the- counter medications will only be accepted if the authorization to administer medication form is signed by a healthcare provider.
If a student self carries medication at school, they also are required to have a health care provider’s order on file at the school with written permission from parent/ guardian and school nurse assessment.
Students must follow rules and responsibilities of carrying his/her medication and be able to show proper usage of inhaler, epinephrine auto injector or insulin. If a student does not follow the rules and responsibilities of carrying his/her medication, then the student will lose the privilege of carrying such medication.
No other prescription or over-the-counter medications, vitamins, herbs, or alternative medications may be carried by students on their person, in a backpack or other container Note:
Medication left at school will be destroyed the last day of school, according to district policy.
A Medication Form needs to be completed annually for each medication taken at school
California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Education Code 49423