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Orcutt Union School District

Where excellence shines and community thrives



Registration is not complete until you bring your Online Registration documentation, completed written enrollment packet, and requested documents to the Enrollment Office.

Registration for Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grades is now open for the 2025-2026 school year.

Parents should use the online registration portal to initialize their child’s enrollment with Orcutt Union School District. Online registration is available for all students enrolling in Transitional Kindergarten through Grade 12. After completing the Online Registration, remember to click the hyperlink at the end of the process to access the required written documentation. Requirements and guidelines are listed below.


Online Registration 

Orcutt Academy Admissions


For questions, contact:

Carol Sutton
Data Specialist
(805) 938-8946
(805) 938-8948 (Fax)
Send Message

An aerial map of the Orcutt Union School District office

Enrollment Office

500 Dyer Street

Building T

We are located next to the Orcutt Junior High School gym. Our front door faces Dyer Street across from the District Office.

Registration Sites

Bring the following paperwork to the appropriate location based on your child’s grade level:

Online documentation

Completed written enrollment packet

Requested documents (copies of birth certificate, immunization records, & 2 proofs of residency)

Grades TK through Kinder

From March 1st until the last day of school, parents can register at their home school for TK/Kindergarten.  

From June – February turn in registration at the Enrollment Office located at 500 Dyer Street, Building T, Orcutt

1st Grades through 8th Grade

Enrollment Office

500 Dyer Street, Building T, Orcutt

Grades 9 to 12

Orcutt Academy High School

610 Pinal Ave, Orcutt

Student enrollment is determined by one of the following criteria

Residency within OUSD Boundaries

Students living within the boundaries of Orcutt Union School District attend OUSD schools.

Please provide two utility bills (gas, water, electric, etc.) upon registration as proof of residency.

The following is a useful tool to see if you live within the boundaries of Orcutt Union School District:

Find My School

Approved Boundary Agreement between OUSD and your district of residence

Students who live outside the boundaries of Orcutt Union School District and wish to attend a school in the Orcutt Union School District may apply for a transfer.

Please go to the school district where you reside and request an Interdistrict Transfer Form to begin the process.

Enrollment Requirements

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) / Kindergarten (K)

TK –

  • 2024-2025:  Students who turn five years old between September 2, 2024 through June 2, 2025 are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten.
  • 2025-2026:  Students who turn four years old before September 1st are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten.

K – Students who turn five years old prior to September 2nd are eligible for Kindergarten.


Present the following to your child’s resident school (click this link Find My School to identify your child’s resident school):

  • Online Registration Documentation
  • Enrollment Packet
  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Records
  • Two Proofs of Residence within the boundaries of Orcutt Union School District (utility bills)
  • Online Registration


More information can be found on the following pages:

Transitional Kindergarten


Grades 1 – 8

Present the following to the Enrollment Office located at 500 Dyer Street, Building T across the street from the Main District Office Building in Old Orcutt:

  • Online Registration Documentation
  • Enrollment Packet
  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Records
  • Two Proofs of Residence within the boundaries of Orcutt Union School District (utility bills)
  • Online Registration

Orcutt Academy Charter Schools

Enrollment for the Orcutt Academy Charter K-8 School and Orcutt Academy Charter High School is determined by lottery. Please refer to the Orcutt Academy Admissions page for more information.

Orcutt Academy High School

Present to the Orcutt Academy High School Office located at 610 Pinal Street in Old Orcutt:

  • Online Registration Documentation*
  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Records
  • Most current report card or high school transcript


*Enrollment into Orcutt Academy Charter Schools is determined by lottery.

District Transfer Requests

  • Intradistrict Transfer Requests
    Students living within the boundaries of Orcutt Union School District may request attendance in another school located within the boundaries of Orcutt Union School District during the open enrollment period. The Open Enrollment period for Intradistrict Transfer Requests is from March 1st through April 15th. Placements are made based on space availability at the requested school. Please complete an Intradistrict Transfer Form and submit the form to the OUSD Enrollment Office.


    • District transportation will not be provided.
    • Approval will be granted on the basis of space availability after families who live in the attendance area are placed.
    • Approval may be revoked at any time if the student fails to comply with school attendance, student performance and discipline policies.
    • If there are more students desiring a transfer than space allows, a lottery will be held. After all school resident students are enrolled, the order for placement is:
      1. Student is currently attending the school due to a previously approved transfer or having resided in the attendance area immediately prior to this request.
      2. Student’s parent is a permanent employee of Orcutt Union School District.
      3. Student has a sibling attending the school during the same academic year.
      4. Student has a need for childcare within the attendance area of the requested school and the care is verified by the childcare provider.
      5. All other Orcutt Union School District students requesting transfers.


    Transfer from one OUSD school to another OUSD school

    Intradistrict Transfer Request Form

  • Interdistrict Transfer Requests
    Students who live outside the boundaries of Orcutt Union School District and wish to attend a school in the Orcutt Union School District may apply for a transfer during Open Enrollment.  Students that are on an interdistrict transfer and transferring from Elementary to Junior High must reapply during the Open Enrollment period. The Open Enrollment period for Interdistrict Transfer Requests is from March 1st through April 15th. Applications for Interdistrict Transfers are available at your school district of residence. Once your district of residence has released your student(s), you may apply to attend the Orcutt Union School District. Due to space limitations, only a very limited number of new transfers are accepted by Orcutt Union School District each year. Interdistrict students are placed only after all Intradistrict Transfer Requests have been granted.

    Students who live in the Orcutt Union School District but wish to attend a school in another district may enter into an Interdistrict Transfer Agreement between Orcutt Union School District and the school district of choice. Please complete the Interdistrict Transfer Form below and bring it to the Enrollment Office for verification. Once approved, the form would be taken to the district of choice. The receiving district may or may not accept the transfer.

    Parents will be notified in writing of Interdistrict Transfer decisions. Additional information regarding Interdistrict Transfers may be found in Board Policy 5117-BP Interdistrict Attendance located in the Series 5000 section of the Board Policies & Administrative Regulations page.


    Transfer from OUSD to another school district


    Transfer from SMBSD to OUSD

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