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Orcutt Union School District

Where excellence shines and community thrives

Academics & Instruction

Academics & Instruction

California has upgraded all core academic subjects – English Language Arts, mathematics, science, history/social science and English Language Development to give students the critical thinking and communication skills they need to succeed in 21st century college and careers. Orcutt Union School District has transitioned to the new standards.

Content standards were designed to encourage the highest achievement of every student, by defining the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level. In addition to the content standards, the State Board of Education (SBE) adopted curriculum frameworks for kindergarten through grade twelve. Taken together, the content standards and the curriculum frameworks describe what educators and professionals in the field expect kindergarten through grade twelve students to know and be able to do. Based on national research in education and the specific content area, the frameworks (which incorporate the applicable content standards) provide a firm foundation for curriculum and instruction by describing the scope and sequence of the knowledge and skills all students need to master. In turn, the frameworks provide direction to the textbook publishers in that each framework includes criteria for the evaluation of instructional resources.